What more can I say about Eric Church that hasn't already been said enough? This country music superstar is a gift that keeps on giving to his fans. Hit after hit Eric continues to defy the odds and releases yet another sensational song that we all fall in love with.

Seriously, how could one not want to lose themselves into the sounds of Eric's music. Oh heck, I do...every single song that he releases is a blessing to this country music fan's ears and heart. Listening to Eric sing is like taking a mini vacation. Rock on, Chief!
If y'all weren't fans before you began reading this blog post, I hope you will be once you are done listening to these songs that will soon capture your heart as well...
Record Year
Cold One
To find out more about this defying all odds artist, also known as Eric Church visit his website.
In addition I suggest you read some random fun facts about Eric Church.
In addition I suggest you read some random fun facts about Eric Church.
In the meanwhile...We salute the Chief!